
Django is an incredibly powerful, high-level Python web framework that can make developing secure and maintainable websites a breeze. It was created by experienced developers who wanted to make web development easier and more efficient. With Django, you don't have to worry about reinventing the wheel when it comes to web development, because Django takes care of much of the work for you. Plus, it's free and open-source, so you can make use of its features without worrying about costly license fees. Not only that, but Django also has an active and thriving community full of developers who are eager to help one another. And if you ever get stuck, there are plenty of options for free and paid-for support. Additionally, the documentation for Django is great, so you can always find answers to your questions. All in all, Django is a great option for developers who want to create secure and maintainable websites quickly and easily.

Django has capabilities


Django employs the "Batteries included" approach, providing almost all of the resources developers need to accomplish their objectives without having to find extra materials. All the necessary components are encompassed in a single product.


Django is a versatile tool that can be utilized to construct all kinds of websites from content management systems, wikis, and social networks to news sites. It is compatible with any frontend framework and can generate content in many forms, from HTML to RSS, JSON, and XML. Additionally, Django offers a wide selection of features such as different databases and templating engines, and is expandable for use with other components


Django is designed to protect websites from security risks by providing a framework that does the necessary steps to secure the website. It includes a secure system for user accounts and passwords; for instance, cookies only contain a key and the real data is stored in the database, instead of including session information, which is vulnerable. Furthermore, it stores passwords as a hash, instead of in plain text.

A password hash is a result of a fixed-length that is generated when a password is sent through a cryptographic hash function. Django can validate a submitted password by running it through the hash function and comparing the output to the saved hash value. However, due to the one-way character of the function, it is difficult for an attacker to discover the initial password even if the stored hash value is exposed.


Django utilizes a component-based "shared-nothing" system of architecture (each component is not dependent on the others, and therefore can be substituted or modified as required). Having a distinct division between the various components means it can scale up to cater for increased traffic by adding hardware at any level: caching servers, database servers, or application servers. Several of the most crowded sites have managed to scale Django to handle their needs (like Instagram and Disqus, to name a couple).


Django is written using design principles and patterns that make it easier to maintain and use code again. It follows the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle so there is no unnecessary repetition of code. It further encourages the organization of related functions into "applications" and code into modules (similar to the MVC pattern). 


Django is coded in the Python language, making it accessible across various platforms. Therefore, your applications can be run on a variety of Linux, Windows, and macOS systems. Moreover, Django is widely supported by hosting providers, with infrastructure and guidelines available for hosting Django websites.



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